In the past transition and reproduction seemed to be mutually exclusive for transsexual people. To many, loss of reproductive potential seemed the "price to pay" when transitioning. Even today, many medical experts - even those involved in the care of transsexual and transgendered people - are still critical when discussing possible procreation after gender reassignment.
More and more, people are diagnosed and treated for their transsexuality at an early age, when they still do not have any children nor possibly wish for a child. Recent reproductive techniques, however, have made it possible that germ cells can be preserved for future use, so that in theory transsexual people may make use of their germ cells after transition. Already a few years ago Anne Lawrence discussed the "reproductive needs" of the transsexual patient, so in line with her ideas, the purpose of this paper is to discuss what is already technically possible now, and what may be possible tomorrow. Of course, we may expect that a profound medical and ethical debate will take place before these new techniques may be implemented routinely.
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More and more, people are diagnosed and treated for their transsexuality at an early age, when they still do not have any children nor possibly wish for a child. Recent reproductive techniques, however, have made it possible that germ cells can be preserved for future use, so that in theory transsexual people may make use of their germ cells after transition. Already a few years ago Anne Lawrence discussed the "reproductive needs" of the transsexual patient, so in line with her ideas, the purpose of this paper is to discuss what is already technically possible now, and what may be possible tomorrow. Of course, we may expect that a profound medical and ethical debate will take place before these new techniques may be implemented routinely.
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